Study on the Relationship between Fingerprint Pattern and Intellectual Performance
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 7 No. 1(Winter) (2017),
3 May 2017
Page 26-31
Background: The concepts of ‘Intelligence’ and ‘intellectual performance’ though seem alike, but are different. Intelligence assessment of an individual is technical, is done by the application of multiple, reliable and validated, IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests on the same individual in different settings (date, place and time). However, ‘Intellectual performance’ (IP) has a reference only to the present study, wherein, multiple choice questions (MCQs) test was conducted to analyse intelligence of the participants in a single setting. Loop, Whorl, Arch and Composite form the 4 main patterns of a fingerprint system. From the data reported by authors of the previous studies, it was evident that relationship existed between fingerprint pattern and an individual’s intelligence. Thus, the present study was taken up with the goal to assess the relationship.
Methods: The present study was descriptive-correlational, and was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) of Velammal Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, and included consenting medical (MBBS) students (aged between 19 to 21 years) of the same institute. The population was 138 students, of which, 137 students (sample size) participated in the study with the implementation of the inclusion criteria. Sample size being 137, of a total population of 138 students, meant Confidence Level as 95% with Confidence Interval as 1.
Results: It was observed that participants with ‘Arch’ fingerprint pattern performed better. To assess the statistical significance, Chi Square Test was applied. The test was significant with p value = 0.034553 (< 0.05), which meant, participants with arch pattern performed significantly better than others. Further statistical analysis revealed that it was female participants with ‘Arch’ fingerprint pattern, who significantly (p value=0.007872) contributed to the overall better performance of the participants with ‘Arch’ fingerprint pattern.
Conclusion: loops were more frequent (44.5%) amongst the participants. However, in the present study, loops and whorls were less frequent, whereas, arch and composite were more frequent in comparison to standard distribution of occurrence. It was observed that participants with ‘Arch’ fingerprint pattern performed better.
- Forensic
- Fingerprint
- Intelligence
- Intellectual Performance
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