Different Types of Death from the Viewpoint of Quran and Forensic Medicine
International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine,
Vol. 6 No. 4(Autumn) (2016),
3 February 2017
Page 225-230
Background: The word death has been brought in several verses of Quran. The purpose of this study is to discuss and compare similarities and differences between Quran’s and forensics’ perspective in terms of death.
Methods: The present study is carried out by library studies on multiple interpretations of Quran, interpretation of juridical references and comparing them with current forensics knowledge.
Results: Holy Quran has mentioned different types of death: 1- certain death: death is inevitable; 2- Suspended death: occurrence of death is conditioned; 3- Optional death: optionally giving up on deeds, properties and void thoughts; 4- Ambiguous death. On the other hand, different types of death from the perspective of forensics include: 1- Apparent death: a state in which breathing and functions of the heart are slowed down; 2- Cellular death: certain and imminent death; 3- Somatic death: irreparable loss of cognitive potency which is in fact the same as Brain death; 4- Instant death: roughly instantaneous deterioration of the entire cells. From the view of forensics, manners of death are divided into two groups including natural death and unnatural death. The latter includes committing suicide, killing and accidents.
Conclusion: Quran is the equivalent of Natural death in forensics. In addition, the equivalent of Suspended death in forensics is death resulted by illnesses, accidents and incidents which may appear as certain death or brain death.
- Death
- Holy Quran
- Brain Death
How to Cite
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