Review Article

Amyloid Precursor Protein Processing in Alzheimer’s Disease

Adwait BHADBHADE, Davis Weizhong CHENG

Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 1-4

How to Cite this Article: Bhadbhade A, Cheng DW. Amyloid Precursor Protein Processing in Alzheimer’s Disease. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology2012;6(1):1-5.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and a leading cause of dementia. The AD is characterized by presence of intraneuronal tangles and extracellular plaques in the brain. The plaques are composed of dense and mostly insoluble deposits of amyloid beta peptide (Aβ), formed by sequential cleavage of the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP), by two pathways amyloidogenic and non-amyloidogenic. Tangles are composed of paired helical fragments, which aggregate to form, microtubular protein tau. Although Aβ plaques are established to be the cause of the disease, there exist genetic factors and other pathological identifications in addition to these which are an integral part of the disease. This article gives an overview into the mechanism of APP action, genetic factors and other pathological identifications contributing to Alzheimer’s disease formation.


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Research Article

Comparison of Deflazacort and Prednisone in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy


Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 5-12

How to Cite this Article: Karimzadeh P, Ghazavi A. Comparison of Deflazacort and Prednisone in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. IranianJournal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):5-12.


Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a degenerative disease that usually becomes clinically detectable in childhood as progressive proximal weakness. No cure is yet available for DMD, but the use of steroids improves muscle strength and function. This study has been carried out to select the best steroid for the management of DMD.

Materials & Methods

This study is a single-blind, randomized clinical trial with a sample volume of 34 DMD patients. Half of these patients were treated with deflazacort (0.9 mg/kg daily) and the other half with prednisone (0.75 mg/kg daily) for a period of 18 months. The motor function score and excess body weight were registered one year after the start and also at the end of the study and compared between the two groups.


Deflazacort was more effective in the improvement of motor function after one year, but there was no significant difference between the two drugs at the end of the study (18 months after start). Weight gain after one year and at the end of the study was higher in prednisone group and steroid treatment with deflazacort appears to cause fewer side effects than prednisone regarding weight gain.


Deflazacort seems to be more effective than prednisone in the improvement of motor function causing fewer side effects, particularly weight gain. This medication may be important for the improvement of motor function and could be used as the best steroidal treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.



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Knowledge and Attitude Towards Epilepsy Among Biology Teachers in Fars Province, Iran


Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 13-18

How to Cite this Article: Asadi-Pooya AA, Torabi-Nami M. Knowledge and Attitude Towards Epilepsy Among Biology Teachers in Fars Province, Iran. IranianJournal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):13-18.


This study investigates the awareness and perception on “epilepsy” amongst biology teachers in Fars province, Iran.

Materials & Methods

A sample of high school biology teachers in Fars province, Iran, filled out an investigator designed questionnaire including questions about their knowledge and attitude concerning “epilepsy”. There were 17 questions in the questionnaire. Nine questions addressed the knowledge and the rest were about attitude and perception.


Forty two teachers completed the questionnaires. More than two-thirds of the participants had a fairly desirable awareness about the definition; whereas, only approximately 40% knew something about the etiology and treatment of epilepsy. More than two-thirds of the participants had a positive attitude towards epilepsy; however, misconceptions and negative attitudes were observed.


Educational programs for biology teachers and also other teachers are necessary to improve their knowledge, attitude and perception about epilepsy.


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Postdural Puncture Headache: Incidence and Risk Factors in Children Following Intrathecal Chemotherapy


Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 19-22

How to Cite this Article: Bani hashem A, Heydarian F, Gharavi M, Khoshnod M. Postdural Puncture Headache: Incidence and Risk Factors in Children FollowingIntrathecal Chemotherapy. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):19-22.


To evaluate the incidence and risk factors of development of postdural puncture headache in children who had intrathecal chemotherapy injection.

Materials & Methods

Two-hundred eighty patients (mean age, 7.23±3.92 years) who had intrathecal chemotherapy injection were studied prospectively during 2008-2009 in the pediatric ward of Dr. Sheikh hospital in Mashhad. Patients who had lumbar puncture for their chemotherapy drug injections were assessed daily for four days to detect postdural puncture headache.


There were 172 (61, 4%) male patients and the remainder were female. Postdural puncture headache was detected in 41 patients (14.6%). The body mass index did not show any significant difference between the two groups. Lumbar puncture (LP) attempts had a significant association with postdural puncture headache. The size and shape of the needle did not have a significant association with postdural puncture headache.


LP attempts have a significant relationship with postdural puncture headache.



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A Case-Control Study of the Association Between Serum Copper Level and Febrile Seizures in Children


Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 23-27

How to Cite this Article: Mahyar A, Ayazi P, Dalirani R, Bakhtiyari H, Daneshi Khohan MM, Javadi A. A Case-Control Study of the Association Between SerumCopper Level and Febrile Seizures in Children. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):23-28.


Febrile seizures are the most common cause of seizure in children. Identification of risk factors is very important. This study was conducted to determine the association between the serum copper level and simple febrile seizure in children.

Materials & Methods

In this study, 30 children with simple febrile seizures (case group) were compared with 30 children with febrile illness without seizures (control group) regarding serum copper level. This study was conducted in Qazvin children’s hospital (Qazvin, Iran).


The mean serum copper levels in the case and control groups were 141.41±30.90 and 129.43±18.97 mcg/dl, respectively. This difference was not significant statistically.


This study revealed that there is no association between serum copper levels and febrile seizures. It seems that copper deficiency is not a risk factor for febrile seizures in children.


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Depression and Anxiety in Iranian Mothers of Children with Epilepsy

Atefeh SOLTANIFAR, Farah Ashrafzadeh, Fatemeh MOHARERI, Naghmeh MOKHBER

Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 29-34

How to Cite this Article: Soltanifar A, Ashrafzadeh F, Mohareri F, Mokhber N. Depression and Anxiety in Iranian Mothers ofChildren with Epilepsy. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):29-34.



Epilepsy is a common neurological disorder in children. Parents with epileptic children have many psychosocial care needs. So the main goal of this study was to evaluate depression and anxiety in Iranian mothers with epileptic children.

Materials & Methods

We identified 30 mothers of children with epilepsy and 30 mothers of children without epilepsy with children aged between 8 and 12 years who met the study criteria. In all children with epilepsy, the mothers were the main caregivers and all these children lived in two-parent families. Children in the control group were in the same age. Ninety-eight percent of children in the control group lived in two-parent families with the mother as the main caregiver. All mothers fulfilled the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.


According to these data, BDI scores were significantly higher in the mothers of epileptic children (mean of Beck score=16.5) compared to the control group (mean of Beck score=9.8). The total, Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory scores for mothers of children with epilepsy were 100.3, 51.7 and 48.6. However, these scores in the control group were 86.9, 45.1 and 41.8. These differences were statistically significant.In a second analysis, using the demographic data, we did not find any statistically significant relation between anxiety or depression and the mothers’ job, children’s medication and other demographic variables.


Neurologists and psychiatrists need to develop better programs for adequate management of psychiatric disorders in mothers with epileptic children.



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Case Report

Acute Hydrocephaly Following Methadone Intoxication in a Child


Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 35-38

How to Cite this Article: Fayyazi A, Khajeh A, Bagheri M, Ahmadi S. Acute Hydrocephaly Following Methadone Intoxication in a Child. Iranian Journal of ChildNeurology 2012;6(1):35-38.

Infantile methadone intoxication has been on the rise since the usage of methadone in opioid detoxification programs. We report a 30-month-old child with encephalopathy and acute hydrocephaly following methadone intoxication.



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A Rare Occurrence of Shagreen Patch on the Face of a Pediatric Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis

Ambey RAVI, Doddamani VEERABHADRA, Gupta RICHA, Sonamani NGANGBAM

Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 39-42

How to Cite this Article: Ravi A, Veerabhadra D, Richa G, Ngangbam S. A Rare Occurrence of Shagreen Patch on the Face of aPediatric Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):39-42.

Tuberous sclerosis is a neurocutaneous syndrome characterized by a clinical spectrum varying from severe mental retardation and incapacitating seizures to normal intelligence and lack of seizures, often within the same family(1). The younger the patients present with symptoms and signs of TSC (tuberous sclerosis complex), the greater are the likelihood of mental retardation (2). Skin features are very characteristic of the disease and help in the early diagnosis of the disease. Shagreen patch is one of the major diagnostic features of the disease. It is a less common skin lesion consisting of an excess amount of fibrous tissue similar to that found in scar tissues (3). It is a section of thickened, elevated pebbly skin like an orange peel. The name is derived from the French phrase “peau chagrinee”. It is usually found on the lower back, buttock, thigh and the nape of the neck commonly. In this case report we report a characteristic skin lesion, the shagreen patch in a six-year-old child with TSC at an unusual site (the cheek) never reported before with the best of our knowledge.


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3. Mallory SB (editor). Illustrated manual of pediatricdermatology, diagnosis and management, 1st Edition.UK:Taylor & Francis. 2005.P. 369-89.

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5. Roach ES, Gomez MR, Northrup H. Tuberous sclerosiscomplex consensus conference: revised clinicaldiagnostic criteria. J Child Neurol 1998 Dec;13(12):624-8.

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Letter to Editor

Thyroid Function Test Imbalance in Epileptic Children Under Anticonvulsive Therapy


Iranian Journal of Child Neurology, Vol. 6 No. 1 (2012), 14 March 2012, Page 43-44

How to Cite this Article: Ravi Torkaman M, Amirsalari S, Saburi A. Thyroid Function Test Imbalance in Epileptic ChildrenUnder Anticonvulsive Therapy. Iranian Journal of Child Neurology 2012;6(1):43-44.


Dear Editor,

There have been many studies regarding the impact of antiepileptic drugs(AEDs) on thyroid function. There are some challenging scopes which must beconsidered for conducting the study adressing the focused question. “Which oneof the thyroid hormones is related to the AEDs consumption?”. Some studiesdemonstrated that there may be alterations in all thyroid function tests (T3, T4 andTSH) after antiepileptic therapy in children (1). Some studies concluded that longtermprescription of anticonvulsive medications resulted in a decline in serum T4levels, although it had no effect on serum TSH levels. However, changes in serumT3 level was challenging and it must be investigated further (2).There were some confounding factors which may interfere with the conclusion.One of them is the type of the study. There are various study plans for this purposesuch as cross-sectional, case-control, experimental, self-controlled cohort anddouble-blind randomized clinical trial studies. It seems that the proper protocol ofstudy for this propose is a double-blind randomized clinical trial study. By usingother designs, the authors cannot interpret the effect of AEDs on thyroid function;however, they can discuss the prevalence of thyroid hormone imbalance and thecoordination among T3, T4 and TSH.Moreover, one of the confounding factors is the thyroid binding globulin (TBG)effect. It has appeared that some of the AEDs may change the amount of TBGand in this way may affect the amount of thyroid hormones (3). Clonazepamand valproic acid do not have any enzyme inducing effects, but phenobarbital,carbamazepine, phenytoin and primidone may induce the hepatic enzyme (4-6). Therefore, it seems necessary to analyze each group of patients based on thetype of drug which is prescribed and also by using the free amount of thyroidhormones, the researcher will be able to exclude the TBG effect. In addition, ageis an important factor which should be considered. The epileptic patients showextra-thyroid adverse effects such as vitamin D and bone metabolism disordersdue to antiepileptic drugs (7). Other secondary clinical disorders which interactwith the thyroid metabolism should be considered and overruled in the study withthe mentioned proposal, especially in the older population.It appears that the confounding effect of the duration of AED intake mustbe adjusted regarding the children’s age using multivariate analysis such asregression model or partial correlation test. The etiological mechanism of serumconcentrations of thyroid hormone change by AEDs has not been clarified clearlyand besides, patients with a personal or family history of thyroid disorders mayprogress to overt thyroid hormone imbalance secondary to AED consumption (6). Therefore, it is suggested that the pure etiologicalmechanism of thyroid disorders due to AEDs shouldbe studied in such cases. Previous reports suggestedthat return to normal of all parameters was observedafter withdrawal of anticonvulsive therapy and thisreversibility of the thyroid hormone imbalance may bea clue for further investigations in order to study thepatho-physiologic mechanism of this disorder (6).Recently, new pharmaceutical drugs have beensuccessfully used for epileptic patients. It is expectedthat the therapeutic role of these new medications willbecome more prominent in these patients in the futureand future studies should be focused on their adverseeffects.

Disclosures: None.



1. Talebian A, Eslamian MR, Shiasi K, Moravveji A,Khodayari M, Abedi AR. Changing in thyroid functiontest in children underwent antiepileptic therapy. Iran JChild Neurol 2010;4(1):17-22.

2. Mahyar A, Ayazi P, Dalirani R, Hosseini SM, DaneshiKohan MM. Serum thyroid hormone levels in epilepticchildren receiving ant-convulsive drugs. Iran J ChildNeurol 2011;5(4):21-4.

3. Eirís-Puñal J, Del Río-Garma M, Del Río-Garma MC,Lojo-Rocamonde S, Novo-Rodríguez I, Castro-GagoM. Long-term treatment of children with epilepsy withvalproate or carbamazepine may cause subclinicalhypothyroidism. Epilepsia 1999;40(12):1761-6.

4. Kirimi E, Karasalihoglu S, Boz A. Thyroid functions inchildren under long-term administration of antiepilepticdrugs. Eastern J Med 1999;4(1):23-6.

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6. Verrotti A, Di corcia G, Trotta D, Chiarelli F. Thyroidfunction in children treated with antiepilepticdrugs: effects of treatment withdrawal. Ital J Pediatr 2003;29:242-6.

7. Pack AM, Morrell MJ, McMahon DJ, Shane E. Normal vitamin D and low free estradiol levels in women onenzyme-inducing antiepileptic drugs. Epilepsy Behav 2011;21(4):453-8.