Approach To The First Unprovoked Seizure- PART II
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology,
Vol. 7 No. 4 (2013),
16 November 2013
Page 1-5
How to Cite This Article: Ghofrani M. Approach To The First Unprovoked Seizure- PART II. Iran J Child Neurol. 2013 Autumn; 7(4):1-5.
The approach to a child who has experienced a first unprovoked generalized tonic-clonic seizure is challenging and at the same time controversial.
How to establish the diagnosis, ways and means of investigation and whether treatment is appropriate, are different aspects of this subject.
In this writing the above mentioned matters are discussed.
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- First
- Unprovoked
- Seizure
- Children
- Anti Epileptic Drugs (AED)
- Treatment
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