Serum Zinc level in Children with Febrile Seizure: A Case – Control Study
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology,
Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020),
1 January 2020
Page 43-47
Febrile seizure (FS) is the most common seizure disorder in children. FS is a genetic age-limited seizure disorder that occurs only with febrile illness. Nowadays, we know that genetic factors play a major role in occurrence of FS, but some trace elements (for example: zinc) may have important role in occurrence of FS. In this study, we investigate serum level of zinc in patients with FS and in febrile children without seizure as control group.
Materials & Methods
In this case-control prospective study 41 patients with first febrile seizure (FS) (simple & complex) as case group and 41 febrile children without seizure as age, sex matched control group admitted in Besat hospital in Hamadan between January 2013 to January 2014 were enrolled. Ages of children were 6 months to 5 years. Serum zinc levels were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometery method in these groups.
The mean serum zinc level was 70.41±20.46 mcg/dl and 92.73±17.62 mcg/dl in the case group and the control group, respectively (P = 0.001). In fact, serum zinc level in children with FS was significantly lower than that of control group.
Although based on results of this study, we found lower serum zinc level in children with febrile seizure, but we can't recommend zinc administration for prevention of FS and we need further fundamental basic studies in futures.
- Febrile Seizure
- Zinc
- Trace Element
- Children
How to Cite
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