Does Parent report gross motor function level of Cerebral palsy children impact on the parent report quality of life in children with cerebral palsy?
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology,
Vol. 11 No. 4 (2017),
13 September 2017
Page 52-57
The aim of this study was to assess the effect of parent report gross motor function level of Cerebral Palsy (CP) children on the parent report quality of life of CP children.
Material & Methods
This study was a cross - sectional study and sampling was done in occupational therapy clinics and CP children’s schools in Zanjan, Iran. In this study the samples size was 60 CP children aged 6-12 years and for sampling method a non-probability convenience sampling method was used. For assessing the quality of life of CP children the cerebral palsy quality of life (CP QOL) questionnaire and for assessing the level of gross motor function of CP children the Gross Motor Function Classification System Family Report Questionnaire (GMFCSFRQ) were used.
The average age of children (22 male and 30 female) was 8.92 years old (minimum 6 years and maximum 12 years). The relationship between the level of gross motor function and participation and physical health was Direct and significant (r=0.65). The relationship between functioning, access to services and family health with the level of gross motor function were direct but were not significant (p >0.05) and the relationship between pain and impact of disability and emotional wellbeing with the level of gross motor function was significant (p<0.05).
- Gross motor function
- quality of life
- cerebral palsy
How to Cite
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