Root Fracture Resistance of Maxillary Premolars Obturated with Three Root Canal Sealers after Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation: An in Vitro study
Iranian Endodontic Journal,
Vol. 15 No. 3 (2020),
1 July 2020
Page 166-172
Introduction: Maxillary premolars, may be more susceptible to fracture due to their anatomy; especially when there is loss of tooth structure. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate materials and techniques that may increase fracture resistance during and post root canal treatment. This in vitro study aimed to evaluate root fracture resistance of maxillary premolars when filled with three root canal sealers as well as whether this resistance would be increased by passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI). Methods and Materials: Sixty-four maxillary premolars with two roots were randomly divided into one negative control group (intact canals; n=8), one positive control group (instrumented, unsealed canals; n=8), and six experimental groups (n=8), which were instrumented with ProTaper Next rotary system up to X2 file and subdivided according to final irrigation (with or without PUI) and type of sealer used (AH-Plus [AH], MTA Fillapex [MTA], or EndoSequence BC Sealer [ES]). The specimens were subjected to fracture strength test in a universal testing machine at a speed of 1 mm/min until fracture. The maximum force required to induce fracture was recorded (N). Results: The lowest force required to cause root fracture was observed in the positive control group (310.48±54.08 N); this was significantly different from the other groups (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between experimental groups obturated with the same sealer, whether with or without PUI (AH with PUI: 558.80±87.12 N; AH without PUI: 508.75±97.55 N; MTA with PUI: 507.27±174.55 N; MTA without PUI: 516.69±96.56 N; ES with PUI: 526.76±143.97 N; ES without PUI: 628.40 ± 94.74 N) (P>0.05). There was also no significant difference between the experimental groups and the negative control group (P>0.05). Conclusions: In this in vitro study PUI did not increase the fracture resistance of maxillary premolars, while AH Plus, MTA Fillapex, EndoSequence sealers increased fracture resistance of instrumented root canals.
- Endodontically Treated Teeth; Fracture Strength; Root Canal Obturation; Root Canal Preparation; Smear Layer
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