Aims and Scope: The Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench (GHFBB) is a peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary medical publication, scheduled to appear quarterly serving as a means for scientific information exchange in international medical forum. The journal particularly welcomes basic and clinical papers relating gastrointestinal and liver diseases.
Peer-Review System of GHFBB: Manuscripts are first reviewed by the editorial board to ensure their appropriateness relevant to the framework of the journal. Peer-reviews are handled anonymously (double-blind). In the case of potential acceptances requiring revisions, one round of revisions will be reevaluated.
Submission: Manuscripts must be submitted in English. Authors will be asked to declare that their manuscripts are exclusively submitted to GHFBB, have not been previously published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis), and are not under consideration by another journal. The transmittal letter should designate one author as correspondent and all other authors should personally sign the submission cover letter. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work. The right is reserved to incorporate any changes deemed necessary by the editorial board to make contributions harmonize with the editorial standards of the journal. Accepted manuscripts become the property of GHFBB.
The authors may propose three potential reviewers in the field of the study; however, their endorsement depends on the editorial decision.
Electronic Submission: The manuscript should be submitted online or e-mailed. Manuscript should be in Microsoft Word 2003 or later format. Figures should be produced by Microsoft Excel 2003 or later format. Do not insert tables in references. Online submission is available at the following address:
Copyright Transfer: All the articles published in this journal are protected by copyright, which covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, as well as all translation right. No material published in this journal may be reproduced photographically or stored on microfilm, in electronic databases, video disks, etc. without first obtaining written permission from the publisher. The use of general descriptive names, trade names, trademarks, in this publication, even if not specifically identified, does not imply that these names are not protected by the relevant laws and regulations.
Publication Ethics: GHFBB journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the definitions and guidelines as determined by it.
Structure of Articles: Text of the Original Articles should include title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, patients and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgment, conflict of interest, references, and tables, figures, and legends at the end of manuscript, enumerated from the title page, all in double space format. The length of the text should not exceed 4500 words excluding the references. Review Articles are solicited by the editor, but GHFBB will also accept submitted reviews. The authors of review articles are invited to contact the Editorial Office before preparing a review article for GHFBB. Both solicited and unsolicited review articles undergo peer-review and editorial processing as original papers. Editorials must consist of no more than 1000 words excluding references. Letters to the Editor in reference to a GHFBB article must not exceed 600 words (excluding references), and must be received within 3 months of publication of the subject article. If you are responding to an Online First article that does not have a print publication date, the article will be listed under “Online Articles.” A letter can have no more than five references and one figure or table. A letter can be signed by no more than three authors. Case Reports and Brief Reports should be limited to 2000 words. Case reports should include abstract, keywords, case presentation, discussion, acknowledgment, references, and 1 – 4 figures. Necessary documentations of the case(s) such as pathology reports, laboratory test reports, and imagings should be included in the submission package. Brief reports contain less scientific data than the original articles and should not have more than one figure and/or table. This Journal will also publish Medical Education and Gastroenterology and Hepatology News, and Nutrition. Title Page should include title, author(s) (including first name, last name, highest academic degree, department affiliation, and institution), running head (≤ 50 characters, including spaces), name and address of author (e-mail, Telephone and Fax) to whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed.
Abstract: should include the aim, background, materials (patients) and methods, results, and conclusion sections separately. Abstract fragmenting is not necessary for Case Reports. Review Articles and Brief Reports do not have an abstract in GHFBB. The length of an abstract should not exceed 250 words.
Keywords: For indexing purposes, each submitted article should include three to five keywords chosen from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).
References: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic information. References must be numbered consecutively in order of citation in the text. Mark reference citations by Arabic numbers. Personal communications and unpublished data including manuscripts submitted but not yet accepted for publication should not be used as a reference; nonetheless, they may be placed in parentheses in the text. Periodical titles should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus. Print surnames and initials of all authors when there are six or less. In the case of seven or more authors, the names of the first six authors followed by et al should be listed. Listed below, are references to a journal, a chapter in a book, and a book, respectively, in correct style:
1. Irani Shemirani A, Montazer Haghighi M, Milanizadeh S, Taleghani MY, Fatemi SR, Damavand B, et al. The role of kras mutations and MSI status in diagnosis of colorectal Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench 2011;4:70-75.
2. Fauci AS, Clifford Lane Humman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Disease: AIDS related disorder. In: Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson L, editors. Harrison’s principle of internal medicine. 15th edition. New York: Mc Graw-Hill; 2001. P.1852-913.
3. Mahan LK, Escot-Stump S, Krauses’ food, nutrition, and diet therapy. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co; 1996.
Tables: Enumerate tables with Arabic numerals. They should be self-explanatory, clearly arranged, and supplemental to the text. Tables should provide easier understanding and not duplicate information already included in the text or figures.
Figures: should be utilized only if they augment comprehension of the text. Drawings and graphs should be professionally prepared in deep-black and submitted as glossy, black-and-white clean photostats. Professionally designed computer-generated graphs (grayscale or color) with a minimum of 300 dpi laser printer output are also acceptable. Each figure should have a label on the back, listing the figure number, title of manuscript, first author, and an arrow indicating the top. Illustrations should be numbered as cited in the sequential order in the text, and each should have a legend on a separate sheet. Color photographs are welcome at no extra charge.
Conflict of Interest: This is designed to identify any potential financial conflicts of interest before the review process begins. The following would generally be regarded as potential conflicts of interest:
Conflict of interests should be declared with regard to the specific paper under consideration. Any declaration will be considered more carefully in the case of papers involving empirical evaluation of products and services. For the majority of papers, which are of a general theoretical or applied nature, conflict of interest is unlikely to be an issue.
Randomized Controlled Trials should include patients’ informed consent form (patients data would be secret) and the bioethics committee approval of the corresponding university.