Predictors of slow responsiveness and partial mucosal recovery in adult patients with celiac disease
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench,
Vol. 16 No. 2 (2023),
21 April 2023
Aim: The present study aims to determine the rate of mucosal recovery and predictors of persistent mucosal damage after gluten free diet (GFD).
Background: Celiac disease (CD) is a complex multi-systemic autoimmune disease triggered by exposure to dietary gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. There is still little evidence on the best method for assessing GFD adherence and mucosal recovery during treatment.
Methods: The retrospective study included only adult patients (age≥18 years old), with biopsy-proven CD evaluated at a tertiary referral centre between 2016-2021. We performed a logistic regression analysis to identify factors associated with partial mucosal recovery (MR) after GFD. We included in the multivariate analysis parameters available at the time of CD diagnosis.
Results: A total of 102 patients were enrolled, two thirds were females, median age of 39 years (yrs). The initial biopsy analysis showed different stages of villous atrophy (VA) in 79 (77.4%) cases, while in 23(22.5%) cases showed mild enteropathy (Marsh 1, 2). After at least 12 months of GFD, 26 (25.5%) patients had persistent VA despite good or excellent adherence to GFD. Younger patients (< 35yrs), who showed severe mucosal damage (Marsh 3c lesions) and who had increased anti-gliadin antibody (AGA) levels were at risk for failure to obtain mucosal recovery (MR). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that complete mucosal atrophy (P=0.007) and high AGA antibody levels (cutoff 129 U/ml, P=0.001) were independent risk factors for lack of mucosal improvement after at least 12 months of GFD. Interestingly, genotype, tTG-IgA antibody levels, or duration of GFD levels did not influence the occurrence of MR.
Conclusion: Although AGA seropositivity has lost much of their diagnostic significance in recent years due to the introduction of the more sensitive and specific antibody tests, our study reported that patients aged < 35yrs, who showed severe mucosal damage (Marsh 3c lesions) and who had increased AGA antibody levels at diagnosis were at risk for failure to obtain MR. The elevated AGA levels at diagnosis could be used as a prognostic tool for assessing MR.
- celiac disease, gluten free diet, tissue transglutaminase, mucosal recovery, mucosal healing.
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