Biomarkers in Inflammatory bowel diseases: Insight into diagnosis, prognosisand treatment
Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench,
Vol. 10 No. 3 (2017),
5 August 2017
Page 155-167
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic disease of unknown etiology which mostly involves the intestine and requires a personalized approach for treatment. IBD represents a heterogeneous group of patients with inherently variable disease courses. Hence, the heterogeneity of patient populations may delay the diagnosis, clinical practice and initiation of appropriate treatment. Use of biomarkers for diagnosis and management of IBD is still necessary. Descriptions of the immunological pathway abnormalities in IBD improve assessment to identify the patient’s disease status, and relative risk of progression to complicated disease behaviors, and this information may ultimately influence therapeutic decisions. In this study, we try to explain the role of biomarkers in early diagnosis, estimating prognosis, and target agents for correct managements of IBD’s patients. This information might be important to provide insight into emerging panels of multiple IBD biomarkers and highlighting the essential role of personalizes panel for each patient.
Keywords: Inflammatory bowel diseases, Cytokines, BiomarkersHow to Cite
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