Comparative investigation of atopic dermatitis with inflammatory skin rashes in traditional Iranian medicine references
Advances in Nursing & Midwifery,
Vol. 26 No. 95 (2017),
3 January 2017
Page 44-58
Background and Aim:
Atopic Dermatitis (AD) or innate eczema is the most common chronic relapsing inflammatory skin
diseases in infantile and childhood, which is rarely continued into adulthood. Family or personal
history of atopy (e.g. asthma, allergic rhinitis or food sensitivity) is very common in children
suffered from AD.
Materials and Methods:
Although the role of inflammatory processes in AD is well recognized, the exact pathogenesis of it
is not fully understood. Therefore, comparison between AD and diseases described in traditional
Iranian medicine (TIM) as a holistic medicine may open new horizons to the deeper comprehension
and therapeutic approaches. In this study, we try to draw an analogy between AD and inflammatory
skin rashes described in traditional Iranian medicine references. The lack of information of lesion's
location, being chronic or recurrent and family or personal history of allergy in traditional Iranian
medicine references led us to solely use the clinical manifestation. Hence, according to the major
symptoms of AD, inflammatory rashes, pruritus, and xerosis are defined as the clinical
manifestation of AD in this study. At the first step, we compare the symptoms and causes of
inflammation skin rashes in traditional medicine and clinical manifestation with pathogenesis of AD
in modern medicine. In the second step, we extract the similarities and differences between AD and
inflammatory skin rashes described in TIM.
The results reveal that, Namleh and Javarsiyeh have the most common symptoms to AD, among all
diseases described in traditional Iranian medicine.
Key words:
Dermatitis, Atopic; Inflammation; Medicine, Traditional
- Dermatitis
- Atopic
- Inflammation
- Medicine
- Traditional
How to Cite
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