Knowledge, attitude and practice of university managers towards green management: A cross-sectional survey in Qom University of Medical Sciences
Journal of Health in the Field,
27 خرداد 2017
Background and Aims: The establishment of green management to reduce the consumption of resources is now a high priority for the government. Organizational managers play a key role in the implementation of green management
plans. The present study was, therefore, aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of managers in Qom University of Medical Sciences towards green management.
Materials and Methods: According to the aim of study, the present research is considered as an applied crosssectional study. A questionnaire survey consisting of 50 managers of Qom University of Medical Sciences was performed to evaluate their knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards green management, as well as their
demographic factors. All stages of research were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed with independent t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient using SPSS software.
Results: The results of this study showed that the managers mean scores on knowledge, attitude, and performance were 97.04 ±17.28, 32.60 ±7.70, and 29.86±50, respectively. The respective attributable maximum scores acquired
were 120, 40, and 40. The data analyzed suggests, therefore, that about 82% of managers had a good (positive) knowledge, and 70% positive attitude to take part in green management plans. However, only around 52% of respondents preferred to take practices about green management. Furthermore, there was no statistically significant relationship between the knowledge and demographic variables in this study.
Conclusion: This study found that managers had a relatively good knowledge, attitude and practice to green management. It should also be noted that besides a proper environmental knowledge and attitude, the implementation
of green management system requires the allocation of credit and funding, formation of green management committee, as well as training and cultural programs.
Keywords: Green management, Managers’ knowledge, attitude, and practice, Qom University of Medical Sciences
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