Solid waste collection and transportation cost analysis of region 1 of Bandar-Abbas city
Journal of Health in the Field,
10 بهمن 2017
Background and Aims: Currently 80% of waste management costs in Iran include solid wastes collection, and about 60% is spent on workers payroll. Importance of this issue is little improvement in the collection operation has significant impact on total cost savings. The location study is Region 1 of Bandar-Abbas city, with population of 111572 and the area of 2371 hectares. The region composed of 3 areas and 11 neighborhoods. The aim of this survey is solid waste collection and transportation cost analysis of Region 1
of Bandar-Abbas city with in next 15 year.
Material’s and Method: To provide solid waste collection and transportation costs analyzing in Region 1 of Bandar–Abbas city, WAGS software was used. The software has 40 main variables and 16 defaults.
Results: The results showed that within next 15 years, solid waste collection and transportation management needs 35 billion Toomans. The average costs within next 15 years for household solid waste collection are 73806.1 Toomans per year and 60674 Toomans per kg annually. Also, results showed that main costs are relevant to payroll and fuel.
Conclusion: To improve the current situation, collection system must be mechanized and workers should be organized to decrease the costs . Also with machinery improvement and regularly maintenance, fuel costs will be reduced.
Key words: Solid Waste Management, Cost Analysis, WAGS Software, Collection system, Bandar–Abbas city
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