التنبؤ بالوسواس القهري والرهاب (الفوبیا) لدى طلاب جامعة طهران للعلوم الطبية: دور مفهوم الله
مجلة البحث في الدین و الصحه,
مجلد 4 عدد 4 (2018),
15 آذر 2018
الصفحة 59-68
لتحميل النسخة الكاملة لهذه المقالة انقر هنا
خلفية البحث وأهدافه: إن مفهوم الله، الذي ينتقل عن طريق الثقافة اللغوية والكلامية الى البشر، ويحدد الإدراك البشري لله، يرتبط ارتباطا وثيقا بالسلامة النفسية للأفراد. فالغرض من الدراسة هذه، التنبؤ بالوسواس القهري والرهاب على اساس مفهوم الله لدى طلاب جامعة.
منهجية البحث: هذا البحث من النوع الوصفي. الارتباطي ويشتمل المجتمع الاحصائي، جميع طلاب جامعة طهران للعلوم الطبية حيث تم اختيار 367 منهم باستخدام طريقة أخذ العينات الحصصية وتم تنفيذ (تطبیق) مقياس المفهوم الفردي لله (GCS) ومقاييس الوسواس القهري والرهاب في قائمة أعراض المرض (R90SCL-) عليهم. تمت مراعاة جميع الموارد الاخلاقية في هذا البحث؛ و اضافة الى هذا فإن مؤلفي المقالةلم يشيروا الى تضارب المصالح.
الكشوفات: كشف تحليل البيانات باستخدام تحليل الانحدار المتعدد أنه يمكن توقع الوسواس القهري والرهاب من خلال مفهوم الله عند الطلاب. كما أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن الطلاب الذكور الذين لديهم مفهوم إيجابي عن الله لديهم نسبة اقل من الرهاب (05/0P< و 24=r)، والطالبات اللواتي كانت لهن نظرة ايجابية عن مفهوم الله كانت نسبة الوسواس القهري عندهن أقل من غيرهن (05/0P< و 28=r).
الاستنتاج: يمكن الاستنتاج من الكشوفات أن كلا من الوسواس القهري والرهاب عند الطلاب في الواقع يعتمدان على نوعية مفهوم الله ومستوى وجوده لدى الطلاب.
كيفية الاقتباس
Blanco C, Okuda M, Wright C. Mental health of college students and their non-college-attending peers: results from the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008;65:1429-37.
American College Health Association. American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment: Reference Group Data Report, spring. Baltimore, MD: American College Health Association. 2008.
Lawrence RT. Measuring the image of God: The God image inventory and the God images scales. J Psychol Theol. 1997;25:214-26.
Spero MH. Religious objects as psychological structures. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press;1992.
Rizzuto AM. The birth of the living God. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 1979.
Larson D, Larson S. Spirituality’s potential relevance to physical and emotional health:A brief review of quantitative research. J Psychol Theol. 2003;31:37-51.
Benson H. Paper presented at the 1999 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. 1999.
Koenig HG. The healing power of faith. New York: Simon & Schuster.1999.
Kirkpatrick LA, Shaver P. An attachment-theoretical approach to romantic love and religious belief. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 1999;18:266-75.
Gorsuch RL. The conceptualization of God as seen in ajective ratings. J Sci Stud Relig. 1968;7:56-64.
Benson H. Timeless healing: The power and biology of belief. New York: Simon & Schuster1996.
Christy JH. Prayer as medicine. Forbes. 1998;161(6):136-7.
Easterbook G. Faith healers. New Republic. 1999;221:20-3.
Ellison CG, Levin JS. The religion-health connection: Evidence, theory and future directions.
Faneuli N. The spirituality of wellness. American
Fitness. 1997;15:42-6.
Arrindell WA, Ettema JHM. SCL90-R. Handleiding bijeen multidemensionele pscychopathologie indicator [Manual Multidimensional Psychopathology Indicatior]. Lisse:Swets En Zeitlinger. 1986.
Kaiser R. Concept of God: The relationship to depression in psychiatric patients. D.S.W., Fordham University. Dissertation Abstract International. 1991.
Schaap-Jonker H, Eurelings-Bontekoe E, Piet J, Verhagen, Zock. Image of God and personality pathology: an exploratory study among psychiatric patients. Ment Health Relig Cult. 2002;5(1):55-71.
Eurelings-Bontekoe EHM, Hekman-Van, Steeg J, Verschuur MJ. The association between personality, attachment, psychological distress, church denomination and the God concept among a non-clinical sample. Ment Health Relig Cult. 2005;8:141–54.
Ingersoll-Dayton B, Torges C, Krause N. Unforgiveness, rumination, and depressive symptoms among older adults. Aging Mental Health. 2010;14(4):439-49.
Pargament KI. The psychology of religion and coping: Theory, research and practice (New Ed.). New York: Guilford. 1997.
Pargament KI, Kennell J, Hathaway W, Grevengoed N, Newman J, Jones W. Religion and the problem-solving process: Three styles of coping. J Sci Stud Relig. 1988;27:90–104.
Gorsuch RL, Wong-McDonald A. A multivariate theory of God concept, religious motivation, locus of control, coping, and spiritual well-being. J Psychol Theol. 2004;32:318–34.
Schaefer CA, Gorsuch RL. Psychological Adjustment and Religiousness: The Multivariate Belief-Motivation Theory of Religiousness. J Sci Stud Relig. 1991;30(4):448-61.
Costa S, Gugliandolo MC, Barberis N, Larcan R. The Mediational Role of Psychological Basic Needs in the Relation Between Conception of God and Psychological Outcomes. Journal of Religion and Health. 2014.
Koenig H, King D, Carson VB. Handbook of religion and health. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012.
Stroope S, Draper S, White1. Blanco C, Okuda M, Wright C. Mental health of college students and their non-college-attending peers: results from the National Epidemiologic Study on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2008;65:1429-37.
American College Health Association. American College Health Association–National College Health Assessment: Reference Group Data Report, spring. Baltimore, MD: American College Health Association. 2008.
Lawrence RT. Measuring the image of God: The God image inventory and the God images scales. J Psychol Theol. 1997;25:214-26.
Spero MH. Religious objects as psychological structures. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press;1992.
Rizzuto AM. The birth of the living God. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press; 1979.
Larson D, Larson S. Spirituality’s potential relevance to physical and emotional health:A brief review of quantitative research. J Psychol Theol. 2003;31:37-51.
Benson H. Paper presented at the 1999 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association. 1999.
Koenig HG. The healing power of faith. New York: Simon & Schuster.1999.
Kirkpatrick LA, Shaver P. An attachment-theoretical approach to romantic love and religious belief. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 1999;18:266-75.
Gorsuch RL. The conceptualization of God as seen in ajective ratings. J Sci Stud Relig. 1968;7:56-64.
Benson H. Timeless healing: The power and biology of belief. New York: Simon & Schuster1996.
Christy JH. Prayer as medicine. Forbes. 1998;161(6):136-7.
Easterbook G. Faith healers. New Republic. 1999;221:20-3.
Ellison CG, Levin JS. The religion-health connection: Evidence, theory and future directions.
Faneuli N. The spirituality of wellness. American
Fitness. 1997;15:42-6.
Arrindell WA, Ettema JHM. SCL90-R. Handleiding bijeen multidemensionele pscychopathologie indicator [Manual Multidimensional Psychopathology Indicatior]. Lisse:Swets En Zeitlinger. 1986.
Kaiser R. Concept of God: The relationship to depression in psychiatric patients. D.S.W., Fordham University. Dissertation Abstract International. 1991.
Schaap-Jonker H, Eurelings-Bontekoe E, Piet J, Verhagen, Zock. Image of God and personality pathology: an exploratory study among psychiatric patients. Ment Health Relig Cult. 2002;5(1):55-71.
Eurelings-Bontekoe EHM, Hekman-Van, Steeg J, Verschuur MJ. The association between personality, attachment, psychological distress, church denomination and the God concept among a non-clinical sample. Ment Health Relig Cult. 2005;8:141–54.
Ingersoll-Dayton B, Torges C, Krause N. Unforgiveness, rumination, and depressive symptoms among older adults. Aging Mental Health. 2010;14(4):439-49.
Pargament KI. The psychology of religion and coping: Theory, research and practice (New Ed.). New York: Guilford. 1997.
Pargament KI, Kennell J, Hathaway W, Grevengoed N, Newman J, Jones W. Religion and the problem-solving process: Three styles of coping. J Sci Stud Relig. 1988;27:90–104.
Gorsuch RL, Wong-McDonald A. A multivariate theory of God concept, religious motivation, locus of control, coping, and spiritual well-being. J Psychol Theol. 2004;32:318–34.
Schaefer CA, Gorsuch RL. Psychological Adjustment and Religiousness: The Multivariate Belief-Motivation Theory of Religiousness. J Sci Stud Relig. 1991;30(4):448-61.
Costa S, Gugliandolo MC, Barberis N, Larcan R. The Mediational Role of Psychological Basic Needs in the Relation Between Conception of God and Psychological Outcomes. Journal of Religion and Health. 2014.
Koenig H, King D, Carson VB. Handbook of religion and health. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012.
Stroope S, Draper S, Whitehead AL. Images of a loving God and sense of meaning in life. Social Indicators Research. 2013;111:25–44.
Delaware A. Theoretical and practical research in the humanities and social sciences. edition T, editor. Tehran1999.
Deragostis LR, Lipman RS, Covi C. SCL 90-R: An out patient psychiatric rating scale-preliminary report. Psychoparmacology Bulletin. 1973;9:13-27.
Kirkpatrick LA. Attachment, evolution, and the psychology of religion. New York: The Guilford Press. 2005.head AL. Images of a loving God and sense of meaning in life. Social Indicators Research. 2013;111:25–44.
Delaware A. Theoretical and practical research in the humanities and social sciences. edition T, editor. Tehran1999.
Deragostis LR, Lipman RS, Covi C. SCL 90-R: An out patient psychiatric rating scale-preliminary report. Psychoparmacology Bulletin. 1973;9:13-27.
Kirkpatrick LA. Attachment, evolution, and the psychology of religion. New York: The Guilford Press. 2005.
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