Re: Boomerang technique, The Buccal Mucosal Grafting Harvesting Model for Long Urethral Stricture Urethroplasty: A case series
Urology Journal,
Vol. 17 No. 05 (2020),
30 October 2020
Page 530-530
- : urethral stricture; urethral reconstruction; buccal mucosa graft; Boomerang technique; lingual mucosal graft
How to Cite
Floyd Jr, M. S. ., & Omar, A. M. . (2020). Re: Boomerang technique, The Buccal Mucosal Grafting Harvesting Model for Long Urethral Stricture Urethroplasty: A case series. Urology Journal, 17(05), 530–530.
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Boomerang Technique, The Buccal Mucosal Grafting Harvesting Model for long Urethral Stricture Urethroplasty; A case series.
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The use of buccal mucosa patch graft in the management of anterior urethral strictures.
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Substitution Urethroplasty with closure versus non closure of the Bucccal Mucosa Graft Harvest Sight; A Randomised Control Trial with a detailed Analysis of Oral Pain and Morbidity.
Eur Urol. 2018 Jun;73(6):910-922. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2017.11.014. Epub 2017 Dec 1
(4) Wood DN, Allen SE, Andrich DE, Greenwell TJ, Mundy AR.
The morbidity of buccal mucosal graft harvest for urethroplasty and the effect of nonclosure of the graft harvest site on postoperative pain.
J Urol. 2004 Aug;172(2):580-3.
(5) Rourke K, McKinny S, St Martin B.
Effect of wound closure on buccal mucosal graft harvest site morbidity: results of a randomized prospective trial.
Urology. 2012 Feb;79(2):443-7. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2011.08.073. Epub 2011 Nov 25.
Boomerang Technique, The Buccal Mucosal Grafting Harvesting Model for long Urethral Stricture Urethroplasty; A case series.
Urol J, March 2020
(2) el-Kasaby AW, Fath-Alla M, Noweir AM, el-Halaby MR, Zakaria W, el-Beialy MH.
The use of buccal mucosa patch graft in the management of anterior urethral strictures.
J Urol. 1993 Feb;149(2):276-8.
(3) Soave A, Dahlem R, Pinnschmidt HO, Rink M, Langetepe J, Engel O, Kluth LA, Loechelt B, Reiss P, Ahyai SA, Fisch M.
Substitution Urethroplasty with closure versus non closure of the Bucccal Mucosa Graft Harvest Sight; A Randomised Control Trial with a detailed Analysis of Oral Pain and Morbidity.
Eur Urol. 2018 Jun;73(6):910-922. doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2017.11.014. Epub 2017 Dec 1
(4) Wood DN, Allen SE, Andrich DE, Greenwell TJ, Mundy AR.
The morbidity of buccal mucosal graft harvest for urethroplasty and the effect of nonclosure of the graft harvest site on postoperative pain.
J Urol. 2004 Aug;172(2):580-3.
(5) Rourke K, McKinny S, St Martin B.
Effect of wound closure on buccal mucosal graft harvest site morbidity: results of a randomized prospective trial.
Urology. 2012 Feb;79(2):443-7. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2011.08.073. Epub 2011 Nov 25.
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