Effects of Kinesiotaping on Postural Control of the Healthy Adults after Lumbar Muscle Fatigue
Journal of Clinical Physiotherapy Research,
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2017),
8 January 2017
Page 43-47
Introduction: Postural control is necessary to carry out all daily activities. It is the result of corporation between somatosensory, visual, and vestibular systems. Disturbance of each of these systems can lead to impairment of postural control and increased risk of falling and injury. The objectives of the present study were to investigate the effect of lumbar muscle fatigue on postural sway as well as the effect of kinesiotaping on postural sway after lumbar muscle fatigue. Methods and Materials: A total of 15 healthy young men participated in the present cross-over randomized study. Participants’ mean velocity and sway area were assessed using force platform in bilateral standing position with their eyes closed and in three conditions: 1. Baseline, 2. After fatigue without taping (NT), and 3. After fatigue with kinesiotaping (KT). At baseline measurements, no intervention was carried out on the participants. For the non-taping condition, tape was not applied during postural sway measurement. For the taping condition, kinesiotape was applied on lumbar area before fatigue protocol. Lumbar extensor fatigue was produced maintaining 60% of maximum voluntary isometric contraction. Repeated measure ANOVA was used for data analysis. Results: After lumbar extensor fatigue, sway area, and mean velocity were significantly higher than baseline measurements, respectively. Sway area between KT condition and NT condition (0.63±0.19 cm2)was not found to be significantly different (P=0.066), while velocity of sway in KT condition was significantly lower than that in NT condition (P=0.006). Conclusions: Lumbar muscle fatigue impaired postural control. Lumbar muscle kinesiotaping may be useful to reduce the negative effects of fatigue on postural control.
Key words: Force Plate, Kinesiotape, Low Back, Muscle Fatigue, Postural ControlHow to Cite
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