Evaluation of short and mid-term outcomes in children with Hirschsprung's disease undergoing different surgical procedures Evaluation of short and mid-term outcomes in children with Hirschsprung's disease
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022),
26 October 2022
Page 77-87
Introduction: The primary aim of surgical procedures for Hirschsprung's disease is to establish proper bowel movement without fecal incontinence, constipation and entrocolitis. In this study we evaluated short and mid-term outcomes in children with Hirschsprung's disease undergoing different surgical procedures.
Method and materials: In a prospective singe blind study, 50 children with Hirschsprung's disease were selected. Patient eligibility included age under ten years and an elective single stage Duhamel (D group) or trans- anal procedure (T group).Primary end point data collected included the development of post-operative constipation and fecal incontinency in groups. Secondary end points of study were intra-abdominal infection, anastomotic leak, wound infection and Hirschsprung associated enterocolitis .
Results: Post-operative constipation persisted in 14 (56%) after 1 month in D group and in 7(28%) in T group (p =0.04). Post –operative constipation persisted in 16 (64%) after 6 month in D group and in 10(40%) in T group (p =.08). There was no significant difference in fecal incontinency rates between groups.
Conclusion: For young children with Hirschsprung's disease who scheduled for operation, we had found no clear difference in mid-term outcome.
- Hirschsprung's disease; Duhamel, Transanal; complication
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