Comparison Outcomes of Divided End Loop Versus Separate Double Barrel Colostomy in Neonates with Imperforate Anus Divided End Loop Versus Separate Double Barrel Colostomy in Imperforate Anus
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021),
12 June 2021
Page 81-89
Introduction: the aim of current is to compare clinical outcomes between the divided end loop and separate double barrel colostomy in neonates with imperforate anus.
Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study to review 184 patients who presented with imperforate anus and were managed with a divided end loop or separate double barrel colostomy between 2017 and 2020. Complications were compared in the two groups.
Results: There was more skin excoriation in separate double barrel colostomy compared to divided end loop colostomy (p=0.001). The mean of scar size in patients of divided end loop colostomy group was lower than that of separate double barrel colostomy significantly (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: Our results suggest that divided end loop colostomy may be more acceptable than separate double barrel colostomy for neonates with imperforate anus.
- Imperforate anus
- Divided end loop
- Separate double barrel
- Colostomy
How to Cite
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