Simultaneous Antegrade and Retrograde Intussusceptions in a Child: A Rare Condition and Literature Review Simultaneous Antegrade and Retrograde Intussusceptions in a Child
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021),
12 June 2021
Page 133-138
Intussusception is one of the major abdominal emergencies in children under two years of age. Double intussusceptions are rare, and the simultaneous ante grade and retrograde occurrence is even rarer. Fewer than 10 such cases have been reported in the pediatric population.
An 8-month-old girl was presented to a peripheral health center with paroxysmal abdominal pain for two days, as well as postprandial vomiting and four mucous stools. She was diagnosed with amoebic dysentery. Faced with the appearance of glairy-bloody stools, she was admitted to our pediatric emergency unit. After examination and abdominal ultrasound, the diagnosis of intussusceptions was made. On the fourth day, operative findings showed a double ante grade and retrograde pattern. A manual reduction followed by an appendectomy was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful.
Continuing education of peripheral practitioners will allow early diagnosis and appropriate treatment as this misdiagnosis could have compromised the vascular reserve of the bowel, resulting in intestinal ischemia and possibly perforation.
- Children
- Double intussusception
- Retrograde intussusception
How to Cite
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