Lip Commissure Reconstruction with the Facial Artery Muscular-Mucosal (FAMM) Flap: A Case Report of a Child with Electrical Commissural Injury A Case Report of a Child with Electrical Commissural Injury
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021),
12 June 2021
Page 139-145
Electrical burn damages constitutes of 4% of all burn trauma. Approximately 20% of total electrical burn injuries occur in children. Most electrical injuries in children occur at home. When the child bites or chews an electrical cord, it results in oral and commissural injury. It is also noted that male children are predominantly affected with electric current injuries than female children. We introduce an immigrant 3-year-old boy admitted in the hospital one week after an electrical injury of the oral cavity due to biting a television cord. He had a necrotic lesion on his right oral commissure. There is controversy about the time and relevant management of mouth commissure injury. In this case, because of lack of parents’ consent, we did the reconstruction of his oral commissure very late without any molding intervention. There is more than 200 techniques in the management of lip and oral commissural injury; we used a Facial Artery Mucosal-Muscular (FAMM) flap for the repair with good result. Although with the improvement of burn care and its management outcomes, prevention is still the best way of minimizing the prevalence and severity of electric current burn injuries.
- Electric injury
- Mouth and lip
- Flap repair
How to Cite
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