Lef Congenital Mesoblasti Nephroma in a Term Male Neonate: A Case Report
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2017),
3 October 2017
Page 46-50
Congenital mesoblasticnephroma (CMN) is a benign and very rare renal tumor, typically occurring in utero or during infancy. We are reporting a very young case of left sided classical congenital mesoblasticnephroma in a full term, small for gestational age, male neonate; who was detected with left sided flank mass immediately after birth. The patient was managed successfully by total nephrectomy. The diagnosis of CMN-classical type was confirmed on histopathological examination.
- mesoblastic nephroma
- congenital
- renal tumor
- paraneoplastic syndrome
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