Case presentation: villous tumor of rectum in a child
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2016),
11 Bahman 2017
Page 96-100
Introduction: The rectum villous tumour is an uncommon pathology in paediatrics, it represents 1% of all the children’s malignant tumours.
Case Presentation: An eleven-year-old girl presented a rectal adenocarcinoma arising from a villous tumour. The aim of this study is to overview of the literature, asses the frequency of rectum villous tumours, specify the value of the clinical examination, of the radiologic findings in the assessment of the loco-regional extension of villous tumours and rectum adenocarcinoma and finally to discuss the treatment modalities.
Conclusion: The rectum villous tumour symptomatology in children is not very specific. Therefore, a good knowledge of its clinical presentation and the predisposing pathological situations can improve the prognosis of this rare disease.
- Peadiatrics
- Villous tumour
- Rectal adenocarcinoma
- Surgical treatment
How to Cite
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