Rare Phallus Malformations in Children
Iranian Journal of Pediatric Surgery,
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015),
24 February 2016
Page 71-75
Introduction: Penile agenesis (PA) and diphallus (DP) are extremely rare genital anomaly in children. Numerous associated anomalies have been described with these malformations. These patients need several investigations and finally surgical intervention.
Material & Methods: In a retrospective study, 14 patients who were treated for phallus malformation in Mofid Children’s Hospital from January 2004 to December 2013 were studied. Detailed history was taken and para clinical examinations were performed in each patient and diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory tests, abdominal ultrasonography, voiding cystourethrography (VCUG), and karyotype study. Data regarding age, sex, clinical findings, associated anomalies and treatment were collected.
Results: From 14 patients, eight cases had PA (aged 2 to 4320days), and six had DP (aged 2 to 5040 days).Karyotype in all PA’s patients was 46XY. Five of DP cases had completed, and one had bifid phallus type. All patients were treated surgically after complete investigations, and followed within period of study.
Conclusion: All patients with phallus anomalies need extensive evaluations and surgical intervention. No surgical intervention should take place without counseling the parents.
- penile agenesis
- diphallus
- treatment
- outcome
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