
Massage for the Patients in Intensive Care Units

Viroj Wiwanitkit

Archives of Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015), 18 October 2023,

A recent report on massage for patients in intensive care units (ICU) highlights the positive effects of having different massage therapists. The report suggests that this should be recognized as an important clinical consideration for all hospitalized patients. Touch, including massage, provides psychological support to patients and can also serve as an alternative physical therapy. However, there are several considerations when using massage for ICU patients, including the need for trained and certified practitioners.

Letter to the Editor

Massage for the Patients in Intensive Care Units

Viroj Wiwanitkit

Archives of Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015), 18 October 2023,

A recent report on massage for patients in intensive care units (ICU) highlights the positive effects of having different massage therapists. The report suggests that this should be recognized as an important clinical consideration for all hospitalized patients. Touch, including massage, provides psychological support to patients and can also serve as an alternative physical therapy. However, there are several considerations when using massage for ICU patients, including the need for trained and certified practitioners.