Treatment of child gratification disorder
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology,
Vol. 16 No. 2 (2022),
14 March 2022
Page 9-16
Gratification disorder is a group of self-stimulatory behaviors which tends to form a habit. These normal behaviors are common and have various differential diagnosis including epilepsy. Hence, misdiagnosis may lead to perform unnecessary work-ups and treatments. In this article we have systematically reviewed available treatment options for gratification disorder.
Materials & Methods
We systematically searched Scopus, MEDLINE and Embase for related published articles from the beginning to 12th May 2021. We followed the search strategy in all electronic databases using these keywords: [“Self-gratification” AND “treatment”]; [“child” AND “masturbation” AND “treatment”]; [“Pediatric” AND “masturbation” AND “treatment”]; [“infantile” AND “masturbation” AND “treatment”]; [“Benign” AND “Infantile” AND “Dyskinesia” AND “treatment”].
The primary search yielded 241 studies; Five studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were included in this systematic review. None of the studies provided a good level of evidence. These studies indicate that behavioral therapy, Escitalopram and Aripiprazole can be considered as treatment options.
While pediatricians are familiar with gratification behaviors, their optimal management is overlooked. In addition to parental education and behavioral therapy, Escitalopram and Aripiprazole can be used as treatment options of this issue. There is a need to perform well-designed randomized control trials to obtain ideal evidence of the efficacy of these measures.
- Self-gratification; Pediatric; Infantile; Masturbation; Gratification Treatment
How to Cite
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