The effect of Kinesio Taping on hand grip and active range of motion of hand in children with Cerebral Palsy
Iranian Journal of Child Neurology,
Vol. 11 No. 4 (2017),
13 September 2017
Page 43-51
Objective: Kinesio taping is a relatively new technique which uses in rehabilitation of neurologic disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of kinesio taping on hand grip and active range of motion of hand in children with Cerebral Palsy.
Materials and Methods: In experimental study with pre-test and three post-test, Thirty two children with cerebral palsy randomly were placed in experimental (n=17) and control group (n=15). Kinesio taping was applied on dorsum of forearm and hand. Evaluation was performed initially, two days after taping and two days after tape removal. Goniometer was used to evaluate active range of motion of wrist extension. Also, vigorimeter was used to evaluate of grip strength.
Results: In all variable, data showed that in pre-test there is no difference between groups but in post-tests; initially after application of taping with p<0.05, two days after application of taping with p<0.05 and follow-up (two days after removed taping) with p<0.05 were significantly differences between trial and control group.
Conclusion: Kinesio taping in neurorehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy can be a useful option to promote power or grip strength and active range of motion of wrist and thumb.
- Cerebral palsy
- Kinesio Taping
- Grip strength
- Range of motion
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