The Consistency between Health Fields and Religion in their Approach to Covid-19



Covid-19, Health, Religion, Self-preservation


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Following the spread of Covid-19, experts in the health sector recognized this virus as a threat to health and human life and announced specialized measures and issued orders for handling this virus. Setting these new rules involves all realms including religion and follows certain limitations in this respect. Besides, the problem of religion following the field of health is not a concern because it is not a religious expert’s duty to determine where the religious decrees are applicable and specify and set real-life examples for them as health experts might do this better. In the case of Covid-19, specifying the conditions of protection and preservation of life is the responsibility of the health sector. For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.


Please cite this article as: Soleymani S, Farhadzadeh AM. The Consistency between Health Fields and Religion in their Approach to Covid-19. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(2):180-186.


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