The Role of Quranic Education Methods in Mental Health and Tendency to Addiction in Three Areas of Deterrence, Support and Supervision
Addiction, Health, Opiate, Quranic EducationAbstract
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Background and Objective: Considering the fact that few domestic and international studies have examined the role of spirituality in mental health and tendency to addition, the present study attempted to explain the role of Quranic education methods in three areas including deterrence, support, and supervision.
Methods: This study is descriptive-analytical and draws on verses from the Quran and interpretations of the Quran based on the verses related to the topic of investigation. The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Results: The results pointed to a meaningful relationship of mental health and tendency to addiction with spirituality. This result confirms consistency of medicine with Quranic orders.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be stated that spirituality can explain and predict mental health and tendency to addiction. Drawing on the religious orders, a purposeful order and organization can be given to life to reduce tendency to addiction. These methods concern drug users, their family, and the community and ensure strong ethical commitments. For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.
Please cite this article as: Nasimi SA, Kohsari R, Keramati M, Taban J. The Role of Quranic Education Methods in Mental Health and Tendency to Addiction in Three Areas of Deterrence, Support and Supervision. Journal of Pizhūhish dar dīn va salāmat. 2020;6(2):148-164.
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