preventing of osteoporosis: Applying the Health Belief Model
Advances in Nursing & Midwifery,
Vol. 24 No. 87 (2015),
16 January 2015
Page 15-22
Background and aim: osteoporosis as a disease, is characterized by low bone mass and loss of bone
microstructure known. According to the importance of identifying the preventive behaviors in premenopausal
women by nurses and other health personnel, This study aimed to determine the predicting
factors of nutritional behaviors for preventing of osteoporosis according to the Health Belief Model was
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 147 women aged 35-49 were referred
to Health Centers in Bandar Abbas, Iran. A systematic cluster sampling method was applied. Data collection
tool was included demographic information, knowledge, health belief model constructs and calcium and
vitamin D rich foods frequency questionnaires. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical, Pearson
Correlation and Linear Regression.
Findings: The result showed that self-efficacy, perceived benefits, perceived barriers had a significant
relationship with nutritional behaviors . Structure barriers predict calcium intake. Also, Structural barriers and
perceived benefits were identified as strong predictors for vitamin D.
Conclusion: According to the results, The health belief model could become suitable framework for
interventional programs, However, taking into account social -cultural factors related to the preventive
behaviors could have effective role for improving preventive nutritional measures.
Keywords: nutritional behavior, osteoporosis, prevention, health belief model
- nutritional behavior
- osteoporosis
- prevention
- health belief model
How to Cite
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