The relationship between perceived social support and women experiences in menopause
Advances in Nursing & Midwifery,
Vol. 25 No. 90 (2016),
8 October 2016
Page 55-64
Background and Aim:
Menopause is an important issue in the field of reproductive and women's health. Social support can help to reduce
post-menopausal women' problems and improve their quality of life. The aim of this study was to investigate the
relationship between social support and the experiences of menopause.
Materials and Methods:
This was a descriptive correlative study that was conducted in 2013 in Mashhad, Iran. 220 postmenopausal women aged
40 to 65 years were recruited through quota and community-based sampling. Data collection tools included
demographic questionnaire, multidimensional social support MSPSS, and assessing the experiences of women in
menopause. Validity and reliability of the questionnaires was reviewed and approved before use. Data was analyzed by
SPSS 21 software using variance analysis, Spearman correlation coefficient and regression analysis at significant level
of 0.05.
The average score of MSPSS was 59.73±15.74 and 60% of women perceived high social support. The average score of
"physical and psychological experiences of women" was 33.5±18.1. There was a significant negative correlation
between social support and the importance people of life(Family, neighbor, doctor,….)with women's experiences of
menopause (r= - 0/19, p= 0/006 and r=- 0/16, p= 0/01). Also, the “important people” dimension of perceived social
support was a better predictor for women's experiences in menopause.
Perceived social support has a positive impact on menopausal experiences. "Important people" dimension was a better
predictor for the women' experiences in menopause.
Key words:
Health, Menopause, Social Support, Women's Experience.
- Health
- Menopause
- Social Support
- Women's Experience.
How to Cite
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