A Case of Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria in a 28-Year-Old Man Referred to the Emergency Department
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015),
28 Esfand 2015
Page 54-57
Malaria is a parasite disease associated with fever and about half of the world population is at risk. According to the reports of World Organization Center (WHO), about 207 million cases of clinical manifestation of malaria happened in 2012, which followed with 627,000 deaths. Considering to presence of malaria-endemic areas in Iran, several efforts have been performed recently to control and eradication of malaria in terms of country programs. Despite of reducing the incidence rate, few cases of malaria have been reported yet. Therefore, the present report was done with the aim of remembering the model of referring, clinical signs, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of patients suffered malaria- مالاریا، فالسیپاروم؛ هپاتیت؛ زردی؛ بخش اورژانس
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