Challenges of virtual Education in the Country's Medical Sciences Universities in the era of Corona; a Review of Qualitative Studies Conducted in Iran
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022),
16 March 2022
Page e45
Introduction: With the emergence of the corona virus, the educational system as well as other areas of the society has faced many challenges. This research was conducted with the aim of the challenges of virtual education in the country's medical sciences universities during the Corona era as a review of the qualitative studies conducted in Iran.
Methodology: In this review study (a review of qualitative studies) in order to comprehensively search the available evidence and studies, SID, Iranmedex, Magiran and Google Scholar search engine were analyzed. The search criteria did not limit the start date, but the end date was set at the end of September 2022. The search was conducted to find articles with the keywords of virtual education, corona, students, professors as a combination of words.
Results: From a total of 6 studies, the themes of "inefficient education, lack of educational infrastructure, confusion in organization, communication challenges and weak interactive platform" were identified as the main factors of virtual education challenges in the Corona era.
Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that the students and professors of Iranian medical sciences universities were facing serious challenges in the field of virtual education, which is necessary in each university specifically and in accordance with the structure of that environment, effective solutions to adjust and solve them. Present problems.
- Virtual Education
- Corona
- Students
- Professors
- Iran
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