Examining the Level of Satisfaction of Hospitalized Patients with a Definite or Suspected Diagnosis of Covid-19 from the Care Staff of Covid-19 Wards Examining the level of satisfaction of hospitalized patients with a definite or suspected diagnosis of covid-19
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022),
16 March 2022
Page e31
Introduction: Patient satisfaction with services is generally considered the main component of quality of care and can be described as the subjective perception of service quality resulting from the matching of expectations about services with actual experience and results. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the level of satisfaction of hospitalized patients with a definite or suspected diagnosis of covid-19 from the care staff of covid-19 wards.
Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 172 patients with covid-19 who were admitted to Peymaniyeh Hospital in Jahrom city in 2019 with the diagnosis of corona virus disease were examined. The data collection tool in this study included two questionnaires for demographic information (age, sex, underlying disease, duration of hospitalization, etc.) and a satisfaction questionnaire for the medical staff. Data analysis was done using spss software version 21 and descriptive and inferential statistical tests.
Results: The most frequent age was 31-40 years old (22.1%). The satisfaction level of the majority of hospitalized patients from the treatment staff was high, 133 patients (77.3%), the satisfaction level of 37 patients (21.5%) was average, and the satisfaction level of only 2 patients (1.2%) was low.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, the level of satisfaction of the majority of patients was reported at a high level. However, the demographic variables (age, sex, marriage, education, occupation, economic status, etc.) of the patients did not have a statistically significant relationship with the level of satisfaction of hospitalized patients with a definite or suspected diagnosis of Covid-19 from the medical staff. Therefore, by implementing continuous training programs and investigating cases of dissatisfaction, we can try to improve the satisfaction of patients as much as possible.
- Satisfaction
- Hospitalized patients
- Covid-19
- Medical staff
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