Systematic Review of the Training Needs of Emergency Professional
Iranian Journal of Emergency Medicine,
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022),
16 March 2022
Page e15
Introduction: Educational needs assessment is the first step in formulating training programs that improve the skills and knowledge of human resources and can be an important factor in ensuring the effectiveness of organizational training and improvement, as well as empowering skilled and specialized human resources, which is considered to be of great importance in the health care system. One of the most important departments providing health services is the emergency department, in which upgrading training and skills is very important and necessary due to the compactness of information, complexity of issues, and the need for high speed of operation in this department. Therefore, in this article, the educational needs of physicians and nurses in the emergency department have been explored, based on previous studies.
Methods: This research is a systematic review, in which the quality of the included articles has been evaluated using the standard STROBE checklist. Preliminary studies were conducted on articles related to the promotion of emergency medicine education and training of emergency and medical professionals, published from 2010 to 2022, retrieved through searches in Persian language databases (SID, Iranmedex, Magiran), English language databases (Science Direct, PubMed, ProQuest, Cochrane Library, Embase, Scopus), and Google Scholar Search Engine. Persian keywords used included combinations of translations of: Emergency, Medical Emergencies, Training, Continuing Education, Training Needs, Required Skills, in combination with Emergency-Related Phrases and English keywords were: Emergency, Education, Continuing Education, Educational Needs, Needs Assessment, which were combined using Boolean Search Methods and Operators including “And” and “OR”.
Results: In this study, a systematic review of the educational needs of emergency department professionals was performed. After searching in databases using appropriate keywords, 21 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. Among the evaluated studies, the highest number of studies were done in the United States (9 articles) and Iran (8 articles). The research method was descriptive-cross-sectional in 18 articles, but there were also Delphi methods and qualitative studies based on interview and content analysis among the studies. Nine studies were done on specialized areas and the rest had conducted needs assessments in general. In terms of target population, nurses, physicians, students and interns, residents, faculty members, and staff and managers, had participated in these studies.
Conclusion: Analyzing the results of studies revealed the need for education on correct and rapid diagnosis, taking immediate medical measures, providing correct and standard care, managing critical situations, and communication skills. Although education researchers have made great efforts to identify the educational needs of the emergency department over the past decade, it seems that studies performed in needs assessment studies lack the necessary coherence to introduce effective educational strategies.
- Needs Assessment
- Education, Professional
- Emergency Service, Hospital
How to Cite
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