The IJWNH is funded and published by Shahid Beheshti Univercity of Medical Sciences, and is fully Open Access. Thus readers do not have to pay to access the content of the journal. All papers published in IJWNH are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC-BY).It provides an opportunity to share works with an acknowledgement of its authorship.Papers published in the journal is available in format of pdf. For the reference It is available  the endnote tool.

Competing Interests

Require submitting Authors to file a Competing Interest (CI) statement with their submission.

Require Reviewers to file a CI statement with each peer review they submit.

Guidelines for filing a Competing Interest statement

Competing interests are defined as those potential influences that may undermine theobjectivity, integrity or perceived conflict of interest of a publication. A  competing  interest  exists  when  professional  judgment  concerning  a  primary  interest (such  as  patients'  welfare)  may  be  influenced  by  a  secondary interest  (such  as  financial  gain  or  personal  rivalry).  It may arise for the authors of articles when they have a financial interest that may influence - probably without their knowing - their interpretation of their results or those of others.

example:The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.