The effect of nursing process implementation The effect of nursing process implementation
Advances in Nursing & Midwifery,
Vol. 24 No. 87 (2015),
16 Dey 2015
Page 29-36
Background and aim : Nursing process is a deliberate problem solving approach for meeting people's health
care needs .Using nursing process helps to improve the quality of patient care. The aim of this study was to
determine the effect of nursing process implementation on quality of nursing care of patients hospitalized in
surgical wards at Shahid Beheshty hospital in Yasuj city in 2012.
Method and Material: This was a quasi- experimental study with befor-after design. The sample of the
consisted of 48 nurses working in surgical wards of teaching hospitals affiliated to Yasoj Medical University.
The samples were selected by using purposive sampling. The nursing care quality was evaluated by using the
quality patient care scale (Qual PacS) checklist, that its validity were determined by face and content validity
and its reliability was determined by using inter-observer (ICC=0.86) . Initially the nursing care quality was
evaluated. Nurses participated in an educational program on nursing process and its implementation. After
one month the quality of nursing care was assessed again. Data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software and
using paired t-test.
Results: This study showed a significant difference between the quality of nursing care in meeting
psychosocial needs (p=0.031) communication needs (p=0.012), physical aspects of care (p=0.047) and the
overall quality of nursing care (p=0.001) before and after implementation of nursing process.
Conclusions: The results of this study showed that nursing process implementation can improve the quality
of nursing care of patients in surgical wards.
Keywords: Quality of nursing care, Nursing care, Nursing process.
- Quality of nursing care
- Nursing care
- Nursing process.
How to Cite
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