Traumatic Cataract; A Narrative Review
Journal of Ophthalmic and Optometric Sciences,
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021),
14 December 2022
Page 47-56
A traumatic cataract is a known consequence of both closed and open-eye injuries and can present as an early or a late sequel of the traumatic event. A variety of etiologies, including penetrating injuries, eye contusion, chemical burns, electric sparks, radiation, infrared, and or ultraviolet (UV) beam exposure, may lead to traumatic cataracts in different settings such as occupations, sports, entertainment ,and iatrogenic causes. The reduced transparency of the injured crystalline lens manifest with various patterns in the examination. Diagnosis of the traumatic cataract is often made by slit lamp biomicroscopy but would be more challenging in the presence of coexisting corneal haziness, hyphema, posterior synechia, anterior segment inflammation or fibrin reaction, in comparison with a routine cataract. In terms of management, the timing and the process of the surgical intervention should be tailored for each patient.
- Lens
- Damage
- Injury
- Trauma
- Cataract
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