This section is included the information which would help the editors or reviewers to better understand the work such as research protocol details and will undergo peer review with the rest of the manuscript but will not be copyedited or changed from its original format. If it is previously published, it must be submitted with the necessary permissions. For all Clinical Research Article and Systematic reviews and meta-analysis submissions, authors must include the following: 1.ticked checklist relevant to the research design they have used e.g. CONSORT checklist; 2.trial protocol; 3. a blank sample copy of any forms used in the trial.

Supporting information should be uploaded as Supplementary Files in Submission process.


Criteria for publication of prepared manuscript

  • Originality of Manuscript & Plagiarism CheckingManuscript submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished and not accepted for publication (in press) in any format and/or language partially or totally, other than as short congress abstracts, and no part of the manuscript must be under consideration for publication elsewhere in any languages, until final decision is made by IPA on acceptance or rejection of it. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be checked for originality by an experienced Plagiarism Committee and using anti-plagiarism software. The authors are responsible for the validity, integrity and completeness of the data without any fabrication or fraud and the precision and accuracy of the data analysis.

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    • Permissions of reproduction of another source (Copyright): The manuscript must not infringe any personal and proprietary rights of others. Information or items such as figures, tables, or parts of text reproduced from another source must be properly cited. The copyright-holder's permission for previously published or copyrighted items, and provider's permission for items which is uncopyrighted or unpublished must have been obtained prior to submission and signed permission statements from the copyright holder or provider must be uploaded as Supplementary Files in Submission process.

    • Ethic principles in Humans and Animals Experience: Human experiences must be performed in conformity with ethical principles involved in WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects or with similar principles in affiliated organization, and they must get the approval of the institutional ethics review board or Research Ethics committee of their affiliated organization before the beginning of the study. Animal experiences must follow WMA Statement on Animal Use in Biomedical Research or ICLAS – Ethics and Animal Welfare Committee-Ethical Guideline for Researchers and before the beginning of the study, the approval of Animal Experiments Ethics committee of their affiliated organization must be granted to them. So for manuscripts involving humans or animals data, approval letter granted by the institutional ethics committee must be accompanied with other publication requirements at the time of manuscript submission.

    • Author and Non-Author Contribution: All authors must meet all four authorship criteria based on ICMJE recommendations. Contributors to the work who meet fewer than all 4 of the above authorship criteria for authorship should not be listed as authors. Inst